Environmental qualities and quality and risk management
Environmental qualities
The segment for Betonweb concrete pile tube is a product with a low environmental footprint.
It contains :
– No asbestos,
– No formol,
– No free silica,
– No inorganic fiber,
– No formaldehyde.
No oils, acids nor organic residues are dumped into the soil
It is odorless and it does not generate toxic fumes.
The manufacturing process is non-polluting and respects the environment thanks to an original system that permanently and completely recycles the waste generated by the process. In particular, organic waste is completely re-injected into manufacturing, and all the water used in the process is in a closed-circuit system. The water integrated into the product only represents 7.2% of its weight.
Quality and risk management
The Betonweb segment is a traditional technique covered by 3 French Norms and one European Norm
– NF P 18 470 regarding the UHPFRC material
– NF P 18 717 regarding the calculations for UHPFRC structures
– NF P 18 451 regarding the execution of UHPFRC structures
– NF EN 13369: 2018 – Common regulations for precast concrete products
Norm NF P 18 451 (art. 10.3) covers the precast UHPFRC piles. The tube segment being manufactured exactly like a pile segment, it is opportune to remain under this frame of reference, which would avoid the activation of Experimental Technical Notice and would allow cover by the user’s classical PCL Insurance Policies.
Technical documentation : following NF 18 451
UHPFRC qualification: Identity card following NF 18 470
Design standard of UHPFRC structures: NF P 18 710 national addition to Eurocode 2
Initial Type Testing: following NF EN 13 369
Control and traceability: individual marking following Annex 2 NF 18 451.